as long as i wear vermillion...

Welcome to Phoenix, the fanlisting for Rem Tokimiya from the game Final Fantasy Type-0. Rem is a cadet at Akademia in the dominion of Rubrum, and one of the newest members of Class Zero - her weapon of choice is a pair of dual daggers. If you are a fan of Rem, please consider joining us! Navigation is at the bottom of the page.


This fanlisting was last updated on 21st July 2024 and is managed by Enthusiast. There are 9 members from 4 countries, with 0 member(s) waiting to be added. The newest member of the fanlisting is Cerine.


If you would like to become a affiliate, I will accept any Final Fantasy (or Square Enix/Kingdom Hearts) fanlistings. Thanks a bunch! Please e-mail Rems with the details if you're interested.

credits & navigation

Site & Layout © Rems
Background textures from Subtlepatterns
Final Fantasy © Square Enix.